Let’s just say the hardest thing I may have done in my life is reducing my bread intake to once in 2 or 3 months (which is also unlikely). I once lived on peanut butter and jam sandwiches only. It appeared we were meant to be together, forever! It was my perfect breakfast or lunch, and I have to admit I would occasionally enjoy it as a dessert. I never was bored, and I doubt I would ever be. But, after my body started showing signs of gluten intolerance, things were changing. It all started with skin irritations, and then my gut started crying out loud for help. I decided to listen to the cries for help, and I made the tough decision to break up with bread. Today, we share a healthy, but distant relationship, and the only thing that keeps us together is our love for PB and J. It’s a joint custody kind of a setting, I have the sole custody of PB and J, and bread has visitation rights every 2 to 3 months; i.e. only if I allow her (yes, her) and in moderation. What’s unfortunate (for bread) is when I came up with this smoothie, things completely changed. I no longer need bread to be a part of my PB and J.  It tastes exactly like PB and J without the bread and processed sugar (the worse) from the jam.  So, if you ask me, what’s a PB and J without bread? Try this smoothie and I think you will concur there is a ‘happily ever after’ for PB and J –  without the bread.

Here is a run-down of a few benefits of the ingredients in this smoothie.

  • Strawberry — First, high in vitamin C and anti-oxidants. Also, rich in fiber.
  • Raspberry — Rich in vitamin C and has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Banana — Rich in minerals and carbs. Banana aids in curbing your appetite for a longer duration. Also, gives you a burst of energy that you need before or after a workout.
  • Peanut butter — Rich in protein and magnesium for bone and muscle health. Also, rich in Vitamin E which is good for your skin, hair and nails.
  • Flaxseed meal — Rich in Omega 3 (good fats) and fiber
  • Almond milk — An excellent source of protein and vitamin D that aids with bone and teeth health.
    Serves 1
    vegan, dairy free, processed sugar free
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    Total Time
    4 min
    Total Time
    4 min
    1. Strawberries (fresh or frozen) — 1/2 cup
    2. Raspberries (fresh or frozen) — 1/2 cup
    3. Banana — 1/2 of a banana
    4. Peanut butter — 2 tablespoons
    5. Flaxseed meal — 1 tablespoon
    6. • Salt (optional) — 1/4 teaspoon
    7. Almond milk (unsweetened) or any dairy/ non-dairy milk — 1/2cup
    8. • Ice — 1/2 cup
    1. Add all the ingredients into a blender and blend it until smooth.
    2. Pour into a glass and enjoy.
    1. • Berries: Strawberries and raspberries can be replaced with either one or any berries of your choice (blackberry, blueberries or a mix of all the berries)
    2. • Nut butters: Peanut butter can be replaced with other nut butters, almond or cashew. The quantity remains the same.
    3. • Peanut butter: If you intend to make this recipe processed sugar free, make sure to read the label. Most peanut butters on the market come with sugar, salt and oil. The peanut butter used in this recipe has only ground peanuts.
    Food Without Borders



Blender by Vitamix